Paper Slides

We completed our first big project with the Scientific Method. We made Paper Slide videos. It was so much fun. Creating them was a lot of work, but well worth it. The students had a great time working together to create their videos and can't wait to make another Paper Slide.

We have been studying the Scientific Method for quite awhile now and we have done a lot of experiments using the Scientific Method. To wrap up our unit, students chose a topic to create a Paper Slide video on.

First the kids created their planning boards. They worked in groups of 3 and decided what roles they would take on and assigned slides to be created. Together they planned out their slides. They focused on using 6 words or less per slide and using onomatopoeias.

 Once the planning boards were completed, the groups worked on writing their scripts for the Slides. They wrote out their scripts and then I took the scripts and typed them up.

I worked with the videographers, showing them how to work the Flip Videos and then let them go!

I am so proud of the final products. Not too bad for our first attempt!

This Paper Slide was about Bubble Gum Vs. Chewing Gum which one blows the bigger bubble.

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