A Day of Inspiration

Today was one fabulous day at Pinnacle! The morning started off with receiving 20 brand spankin' new IPad Air 2's!! These Ipads are going to be used to do great things. 

Then we had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Moore from North Gaston speak about Andragogy. At first I had absolutely no idea what that was, but after listening to her I learned it is something that I already do. She put a new perspective on adult learning for me. In order for workshops to be successful, you have to have a hook and make the training beneficial to everyone you are presenting too. Otherwise, you will have this...

We then ended the day learning the importance of TPACK and SAMR. Technology is a tool, not a learning outcome. Technology is to be used to take something that was originally impossible and make it possible. It is not a replacement for a worksheet to do the same worksheet on a Google Form. 

To display our learning, my group chose to create a Piktochart. Piktochart is a great tech tool to make inforgraphics (Alot of fun and options for the kids to play around with!)

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