All About Me- App Smashing

Back in June during Pinnacle, we learned all about the fabulous world of App Smashing. There are so many possibilities and options of Apps to Smash and you can't go wrong...which is awesome!! App Smashing is great for creating and allowing students to have different projects on the same content. This is great instead of having 25 projects using the same exact tools.

Our assignment for August was to make an introduction video about ourselves that we could use on the first day of school to show to our kiddos. I used Videolicious, Pic Collage and Photo Mapo (See below for the pro's and con's of each App). This was a fun project and I am excited about the end video.

Pro's and Con's of the Apps:

Videolicious- Easy to use, you can record yourself and show your face while talking or you can just record your voice over your pictures, and it is quick to put together your video

Pic Collage- Simple to use and has several choices to pick from as far as fonts, backgrounds, picture arrangements

Photo Mapo- Great to show locations of places, uses various types of maps, and you can type in an address and get the absolute location of a place

Videolicious- You can only record up to 1 minute on a video

Pic Collage- Too many images can overwhelm the collage (especially with younger kiddos)

Photo Mapo- You can only insert one image onto your map